Roeland Park Glass Pickup Schedule and Information
Want pickup reminders and updates on glass service? Click the button below to opt in to collection day reminders:
Your information will not be sold by Ripple or used for any purpose other than glass updates.
Have feedback for us? Please fill out the form at the link below:
How to Recycle with Ripple:
1. Collect glass in the purple tote provided by Ripple Glass.
See the What Can I Recycle flyer below (or click here) to see what types are accepted.
2. Place the tote at your curb on your first trash day of the month by 7am. See calendar below to find your pick-up date.
Please make sure the tote is at least 6 feet from your trash & recycling.
3. Ripple Glass picks up the glass and leaves the empty tote.
4. Fill up the tote and do it again the next month!
Your glass will be picked up on your first trash day of the month. Click here to view a color-coded map of the Roeland Park trash schedule and then view the calendar below to find your pick-up day.

Para obtener una versión en español de este informacíon, haga clic aquí.
The City of Roeland Park, Kansas has agreed to partner with Ripple Glass to launch a city-wide curbside glass recycling program beginning on January 1st, 2023! Below you will find a letter from Keith Moody, City Administrator, and information on how to recycle your glass at the curb.
Funded in part by: